Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lyle Center Celebrates 15 Years

On Saturday May 2nd, 2009 the Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies held its 15th Anniversary festivities. The outdoor event hosted at the Center provided a chance for those involved with the Center to celebrate 15 years of its growth and achievements. 120 or so attendees enjoyed a dinner prepared by the Los Olivos staff.

Guests represented all facets of the LCRS life and included faculty from all colleges, fellows, donors, graduates of the program, as well as current students and their parents. Students gave guided tours of the current research activities and latest demonstration installments on site. Jazz musicians played throughout the evening.

Dr. Rick Willson and other plein air painters held a silent auction of paintings they had done previously of the Center’s buildings, wetlands, and California Black Walnut groves. Proceeds from the art auction helped to benefit the Center.

Guest speakers began taking the stage a bit after 7pm. Interim dean and director of the John T. Lyle Center, Dr. Kyle Brown graciously thanked guests and VIP’s for attending the evening’s celebration noted our historical progress over the last 15 years. The first speaker was Provost Marten den Boer praising the work done at the center. Next to take the stage was Harriett Lyle who gave a moving speech about the continuation of her husband’s work. She emphasized our need to remember the beauty and art all around us. After Kyle Brown spoke about our achievements, Denise Lawrence, who is recognized as one of the first members of the Regenerative Center Faculty, finished the evening’s speeches recognizing the diversity and successes of graduates and the work of current students.

As the evening came to a close, we were reminded of the progress made and where the vision of the Center’s faculty, students, and staff may take us. Thanks to the support of many over these last 15 years, the event was a success and we hope to have more people and projects to highlight as the Center continues its mission advancing the prinicples of sustainable living.